
El declive del gorrión común en Reino Unido se atribuye a la escasez de insectos en el medio urbano

En un medio urbano con cada vez menos espacios verdes silvestres, los gorriones lo tienen muy difícil para encontrar suficientes insectos para alimentar a sus pollos. Esta es la casa de su creciente ausencia en el centro de las ciudades británicas, según este estudio hecho público por la RSPB.

Un poco de inglés:

Lead author, the RSPB's Dr Will Peach, said: 'Each pair of house sparrows must rear at least five chicks every year to stop their numbers falling. But in our study, too many chicks were starving in their nests.

'Others were fledging but were too weak to live for much longer than that. If the birds nested in areas rich in insects, they did much better. Where there were few insects, young house sparrows were likely to die. Young house sparrows need insects rather than seeds, peanuts or bread to survive.'

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