
La molesta y audaz confianza de algunas aves australianas

No sé si será uno de esos artículos que exageran y desinforman, del tipo del que nos regaló ayer El País sobre el lobo en Castilla y León, pero este de The Independent de ayer apunta unos cuantos comportamientos llamativos de varias especies de aves australianas, que han convertido la audacia en su mejor herramienta para sacar el mayor provecho de los humanos. Lo que más me ha llamado la atención es lo que cuenta de los ibis.

Ahí va una muestra:

"The white ibis is pretty common around schoolyards and teachers have to train the kids how to stand up against the bird," says dedicated bird watcher Mark David. "Ibis routinely run up to them and snatch their lunch". (...) Last month in Brisbane, a law student was ordered to undertake 120 hours of community service after he struggled over his sandwich with an ibis and eventually stomped the animal to death.The student's lawyer told the court that her client reacted violently because he was once attacked by a large crow and had been frightened of Australian birds ever since.

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